April 07, 2018

60 days Of Happiness

Photo by my talented friend. Go follow him on instagram @z3rography.

Hi guys, I've not posted for awhile and today is exactly 60 days of me not posting anything. So this post is about me creating happiness in the past 2 months and avoiding all negativity that can bring me down. Kind of similar to my previous post, you can read it here " Finding Joy in Misery".

Basically what I did was I made myself as happy as I could even though it has to cost me so much. Like Im not going to stop myself from doing or wanting something even though if its only for temporary happiness and I know I will regret soon but listen the focus here is happiness. So when one happiness ends you keep creating another happiness to continue the happiness. Theres was this day where I bought a whole cake for myself that Im pretty sure that Im not going to finished it by myself and it will only end up in the garbage bin but what I did is instead of regretting buying that cake I invite my friends over to have cake with me. So you see here the happiness continue. 💞

But sometimes even in happiness theres sadness and pain too. The other day I was doing grocery shopping with my friends we were having so much fun and happy but then inside there is sadness because I know soon after we all graduated we will be separated going with our own path and might not even see each other again. The only things that makes it better is to just cherish the moments we have now. 😌👭

And sometimes it happen when you trying to make someone happy and they say no to you and you got rejected and sometimes not even appreciated for the effort you did for them. Im not saying we should get credits for every goodness we did but a simple "Thank you!" or even a smile is more than enough right. 😊

One time in class we were having a group presentation and we did it so well I felt so proud of myself and my group member and happy and for a second I was even telling myself that we are the best and meh! the other group can't beat our group. That moment arrogance is taking over of myself 😖
But when I reach home and think of it again I feel ashamed of myself for feeling that way. It is not happiness that is actually sadness and hate that we often recognise it as happiness because we feel great by turning others down 😞

What I've learnt is that happiness is not about how much money you have or how great you are but is about the size of our heart. 💓

Finding happiness is like when we were rushing to go out of our house we tends to forget things. Then you will come back inside looking for it and sometimes even make a mess but then you realised its actually right there or even sometimes in your hand. And its funny that our experience of happiness is so similar to this. We run around trying to find it in absolutely every place. But actually when we come back home we find out that it's within.

Jim Carrey said " I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it's not the answer." He mean by whatever we are searching for is not out there but it is inside. Therefore happiness is actually an inside job 😄

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