January 24, 2018

to women who tear down other women:

Why do we seek to bring down other women, knowing how hard life can be for a woman? Rudeness is a weak person's imitation of self-respect and strength. Plus it is not attractive at all. 😶

I believe that jealousy and envy play important roles in tearing each other down. These feelings can come from seeing other women who are confident in their bodies, their relationship with men, their career and their lives. You may be pretty and you may be talented, but nobody will remember that if you're mean.

These feelings are also caused by unequal abilities in every women. But we each have our strengths and weaknesses right? And most often, people are not as good at things as they may seem. Everyone looks better on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat 😌 , and at church on Sundays.

To women who tear down other women, putting other women down is showing the world that you are more concerned with hurting others that you are about your own progress. By doing so does not increase any value in yourself. A woman who knows her worth doesn't measure herself against other women, but stands strong, calm and self-confident. An empowered women empower women, kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless and when women support each other, incredible things happen!

Plus a negative mind will never give you a positive life, nobody has ever made themselves greater by showing how small someone is. Be someone who makes everybody feel like a somebody! And Classy is a when a woman who knows WHAT to say, WHEN to say it, and WHEN to stop and certainly not by tearing others down.

Every woman is more than what you see. We all have our own beauty in us. 😊 💜

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