April 19, 2018

To my ladies out there:
Self love is the greatest medicine

Self-love has often been seen as a moral flaw, akin to vanity and selfishness. The Merriam-Webster dictionary later describes self-love as to "love of self" or "regard for one's own happiness or advantage". Synonyms concept to amour propre, conceit, conceitedness, egotism, and many more. 

I think self-love is the emotion that every and each one of us need to have in us. Marcus Tullius Cicero said that those who were sui amantes sine rivali  (lovers of themselves without rivals) were doomed to end in failure. It is not easy for everyone to master self love but if we keep trying and never give up im pretty sure we will win because I believe that there something great awaits for those who never gives up.

In order to love someone or to spread love, learn to love ourself first is the first step. As a woman, seeing another woman with better figure and nice dressing that we often indicate it as "beautiful" or "perfect" can easily bring our self-esteem down but then if we just stop comparing ourselves to others there will be no labelled such as "hideous, imperfect or ugly" Because best believe that each one of us has our own kind of beauty.

And ladies please don't be too harsh on another ladies 😊
When self love adds up to ourselves admiring someone's beauty without questioning your own is no longer a problem.

In 2008 the American Association of Suicidology conducted a study on the impact of low self esteem and lack of self love and its relation to suicidal tendencies and attempts. The conclusion from the research was "depression, hopelessness, and low-self esteem are implications of vulnerability factors for suicide ideation" And it is proven when the association recorded there have been 44, 193 suicides in 2015 and 5, 491 of them are youth aged between 15-24 years old.

Based on the research lack of self love or low self esteem could leads to suicide. When you are in depression, hopelessness or anything that can leads to self destruction, don't be ashamed or scared of it. Go seek help and try to learn more of loving yourselves instead of judging or blaming yourselves. Do not let the negativity take control of you because there is still a lot more of adventure waiting for you out there and suicide is not the solutions.

Ahh.. When you conqure the true meaning of self-love everything that turn you down is just a minor distraction that does not deserve your attention. Don't worry its not hard of learning to love yourselves first, some people been there and they come out survived and happy till now. You just need to toughen up 😉💖

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